Amaze Entertainment

·Senior environment artist
·Primary responsibilities were:
    -texturing environments
·Also was responsible for the testing and creative implementation of engine features within these levels
·Worked closely with designers and art directors to develop concepts

Software used:

- Maya 7

- Photoshop

Over the Hedge: Hammy Goes Nuts
Lord of the Rings - Tactics
The Sims
Digimon: Rumble Arena 2
(XBOX, PS2 and Gamecube)



The last title I worked on was Over the Hedge: Hammy Goes Nuts (PSP).

I was responsible for entirely modeling, texturing and lighting two multiplayer levels.


Hollow Log 1
Hollow Log 2
Hollow Log 3
Park 1
Park 2
Park 3




Before that, we finished our first PSP project; Lord of the Rings: Tactics for the PSP.

Again, I was responsible for completely modeling, texturing and lighting five levels.

One thing to note: the project had a very tight schedule of only 6 months!


Southern Gate 1
Southern Gate 2
Shelob's Lair
Escape to Osgiliath
Paths of the Dead

Mines of Moria




Lastly, several years ago, we shipped Digimon: Rumble Arena 2 for PS2, XBOX and Gamecube.


At that time, our team within Amaze was called Blackship.

It was a division, who's purpose was to develop games primarily for Japanese publishers.

Blackship has since been absorbed into Amaze's larger development force.

Here are a few screenshot's of the levels and objects I built.

I was responsible for nearly all the modeling, texturing and lighting in these levels.



Fire & Water 


Ice Palace

Olmec Head

Olmec Head



Throne Room

Throne Room


Between projects, we had made several proof-of-concept demo's to attract publisher contracts.
Generally, we had only a few weeks to a month to build these levels (which is why they aren't complete)

Ninja city
Ninja city
Ninja city
Ninja city
Ninja garden
Ninja garden

Sci-fi museum

Sci-fi museum
Sci-fi museum
Sci-fi museum 

Sci-fi museum

Sci-fi museum
Sci-fi museum
Sci-fi museum 

Eragon - canyon flying

Eragon - canyon flying

Shogun arena
Shogun arena
Industrial yard
Industrial yard

Parking garage

Parking garage

Parking Garage